Hi, I’m Smriti

I’m a climatologist turned technologist

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Oct 8, 2024

AWS Summit

Last month, I went to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) summit in Toronto. I wanted to go in years previous, but never quite made it. This year though, as I’m aiming to take my first cloud certification soon (not in AWS) I decided to attend. AWS is the market share leader in the cloud space and I wanted to learn more. My first impression was that the summit was huge. I’d estimate it at over than 5000+ people, with talks and the expo spread across multiple floors at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Read more
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Hi, I’m Smriti (pronounced Smer-rih-tee). I’m a software developer who works primarily in mobile app development (Android). Before that I worked as a climatologist specializing in mitigating urban heat issues, after completing a Masters of Science degree at the University of Toronto.

How did I end up in app development you might ask? Well, I’m fascinated by all the ways techology can be used for good, including utilizing tech based solutions to adapt to and mitigate climate change. On top of that I enjoy problem-solving, learning new things, and exchanging ideas. Tech felt like a natural place for me.

Previously I also worked as an event organizer, and like bringing people together to talk about all things technology. I’m especially committed to bridging the gender divide in tech. As such I’m currently a Women Techmakers Ambassador. I was previously a co-organizer for GDG Toronto Android, and evangelist for Women Who Code Mobile.

Beyond coding, I try to read a book a week (primarily non-fiction), love baking (cakes, cookies, muffins, etc.), collect Lego Minifigures, and am an aspiring guitarist. Finally, I hope to undertake yoga teacher training soon too.


I’d love to chat! Please feel free to drop me a line by sending me an email. Alternatively add me on LinkedIn.

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