
Impact your future self

Mar 25, 2024 | 2 minutes read

It was International Women’s Day (IWD), a few weeks back on March 8th. As an ambassador for Women Techmakers, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the occasion. This year the theme for IWD is ‘Impact the Future’. As per the description regarding the theme ‘Impact the Future’ can be understood as (1) how will technology shape the future and/or (2) how do we inspire future generations, especially women in tech?

I’ve also been reading on taking ownership of my future, lately. In a nutshell, this means imagining my future self, and setting goals to achieve that vision. In this blog, I’m am going to write about some goals I’d ideally like to achieve for my future self:

  • I’m aiming to get my first cloud certification. I’ve been at it for a bit but I feel like I’m finally making progress thanks to FreeCodeCamp and the resources available on AWS Educate. After that I’m interested in learning more about Gemini and GCP, and how they can be used as tools to solve problems.
  • One of my favourite jobs was being a teaching assistant. With that in mind, I’d like to get out and mentor more, especially those in underrepresented groups.
  • With the use of generative AI technology on the rise I’m really curious to work on how these can be used in climate tech? I feel this particular area is budding and there’s a place for me in it.
  • I’d like to be a guest on a podcast. Or write a blog for a larger organization encompassing how new advances in technology can be used in mitigating and adapting to climate change.
How does this tie into the theme of IWD? Larger changes happen because of small steps. Perhaps one of the small steps I make might inspire or empower someone? After all, large waves begin with tiny ripples of water.