
Stress and decompress

Dec 1, 2023 | 2 minutes read

It’s cold. It’s snowing. The days are short, and the nights are long. All of this combined with some major career uncertainty, has me feeling a bit down at this time of year. On top of that, I ideally have several goals I’d like to accomplish before the year finishes.

These include:

  • studying for a cloud certification and researching a demo project
  • further my Python skills (web scraping etc.)
  • networking with people
  • prepare for the job hunt

There’s a lot to do so I need to figure out how to motivate myself to end the year on a high note.

Some possible ways I’ve brainstormed to get through the next few weeks include:

Cold: To cope with the cold I’m most of all trying to keep my patience with myself by taking things slow. I’m embracing warm drinks, books, blankets and trying to keep healthy despite holiday treats. I read a tip to get out and go for a walk while the sun is out too.

Computers (and screens): I’m realizing that sitting and studying isn’t for me. I need to take a more varied approach to my days. With that in mind, I’m scheduling in some time to further Python skills (looking at some data engineering), start job hunting by networking, and delve into areas/companies I’d like to work for. With all of these I am going to monitor my screen time and take frequent breaks.

Connections: One of my goals for the next stretch is to make new connections. I’m doing this by attending events, and being open to coffee hours and such. I’m also aware that it being the holidays people either have more time or less. Being mindful of this (and my time constraints), I’m keeping these short.

Career: I’ve been hesitant with joining a job search group, but have signed up for one now.I hope that this motivates as well as gives me support I need at this point in my career. I feel like having people to chat with will make a really challenging process less arduous.

These are a few things I’m doing, I’ll post back in a few weeks on how they are going.